Gino Luurssen

Educator  | Politician |  Columnist


Gino Luurssen is a political columnist, educator and politician based in Arnhem (NL) part of FVD. He is known for questioning the innovations and manner in which public education is managed. He garnered public traction in early 2023 by speaking out against the genderideology that pervades all public institutions. Which in turn cause more division and damage than unity. He has been publicly opposing the globalist narrative of climate catastrophe (Sustainable Development Goals), COVID-tyranny and the limits-to-growth model of the world (Net-Zero). He has been working on realising a better vision for the future using ARC Forum as the base of inspiration.

His background is in education (BsE) and military service. Founded student association Lingua Franca for foreign languages at HAN University of Applied Science and sat at the board of the Faculty of Education as advisor at the same University.

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